forstgrip pro 2-field 13.5 mm
Vyvinuté pro tvrdé a kamenité terény a pro led.

Code / Type | Číslo výrobku | Rozměry pneumatik | |
| 4038053 |
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| 4038194 |
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| 4038195 |
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| 4038205 |
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| 4046221 |
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| 4051541 |
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| 4063816 |
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| 4063923 |
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| 4094573 |
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| 4095957 |
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| 4098184 |
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| 4100316 |
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| 4100419 |
| |
| 4122613 |
Informace o výrobku "forstgrip pro 2-field 13.5 mm"
With pewag forstgrip pro you will benefit from…
- …safe operation and optimised grip thanks to combination of forged parts and spikes.
- …optimised protection of the tyre against damage caused by tree stumps and stones thanks to the fine mesh.
- …optimised grip and stability of the forestry machine on rough terrain thanks to angled stub arrangement.
Product design
Depending on the product design, the pewag forstgrip pro range offers specific benefits:
- 13.5mm (ring 15.2mm) – all-rounder model, suitable for hard grounds and all forestry machines.
- 15.5mm (ring 17mm) – strong, wide chain mesh for both for hard and soft grounds and especially for large forestry machines such as forwarders and harvesters.
Additional wear elements : | False |
Case hardening: | true |
Dimension: | 13,5 mm |
Trakce: | 90 |
Type of chain mesh: | 2-field |
chain size group: | KG_FGP_201_3_2 |
hlína/bláto: | 40 |
kameny/skaliska: | 90 |
ochrana pneumatik: | 90 |
sníh: | 40 |
vhodné pro univerzální použití: | 80 |
šetrný k půdě: | 20 |

13,5 mm

2 pole
Design síťového řetězce
80 %
vhodné pro univerzální použití
90 %
ochrana pneumatik
20 %
šetrný k půdě
40 %
40 %
90 %
forstgrip pro 2-field 13.5 mm
Vyvinuté pro tvrdé a kamenité terény a pro led.
Spotřebitelé si mohou sněhové řetězy objednat přímo prostřednictvím našeho konfigurátoru sněhových řetězů.