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Specification table

Code Load capacity Can be used up to single hook d t w s Weight For 1-leg slings For 2-leg slings
0°-45° according to DIN 15401 [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/pc.]
AWF 16 500 2,5 16 110 60 14 0,53 8 -
AWF 18 800 5 19 135 75 14 0,92 10 8
AWF 22 1325 6 23 160 90 17 1,6 13 10
AWF 26 2000 8 27 180 100 20 2,46 16 13
AWF 32 3150 10 33 200 110 26 4,14 20 16
AWF 36 4250 16 36 260 140 29 6,22 22 20
AWF 45 5900 25 45 340 180 12,82 22
AWF 50 8000 32 50 350 190 43 16,55

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