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Specification table

Code Load capacity Jaw-width H I S T U V W X Z weight approx.
[kg] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/pc.]
SCCW 0.5 t 500 0-35 82 27,5 18 25 211 108 26 27 158 1
SCCW 1 t 1000 0-30 140 42 29 46 232 150 40 46 220 3,4
SCCW 1.5 t 1500 0-40 140 42 29 46 232 150 40 46 220 3,5
SCCW 3 t 3000 0-60 184 50 38 50 278 190 46 60 280 7,8
SCCW 6 t 6000 0-100 249 63 60 100 390 296 70 75 446 22,5
SCCW-W 1 t 1000 50-100 190 42 88 45 273 225 54 46 258 6,3
SCCW-W 3 t 3000 25-75 191 49 76 50 291 215 60 54 250 8,6
SCCW 1 t 1000 0-40 140 42 29 46 232 150 40 46 220 3,4

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