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Tabela de especificações

Method of lifting
Number of legs 1 1 2 2 2 2 3+4 3+4 2 3+4
Angle of inclination 90° 90° 0°-45° 45°-60° 0°-45° 45°-60° asymm asymm
Code Working load limit (G)
PLE/N 6 1120 1120 2240 2240 1500 1120 2300 1600 1120 1120
PLE/N 8 2000 2000 4000 4000 2800 2000 4200 3000 2000 2000
PLE/N 10 3150 3150 6300 6300 4400 3150 6600 4700 3150 3150
PLE/N 13 5300 5300 10600 10600 7400 5300 11200 7900 5300 5300
PLE/N 16 8000 8000 16000 16000 11300 8000 16900 12000 8000 8000
PLE/N 22 15000 15000 30000 30000 21000 15000 31800 22500 15000 15000
Code Working a b c d e g h l Weight
load limit [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/unit]
PLE/N 6 1120 40 62 11 42 79 36 26 35 0,31
PLE/N 8 2000 42 69 13 45 86 37 28 37 0,4
PLE/N 10 3150 45 78 16.5 47 98 41 34 40 0,63
PLE/N 13 5300 55 99 22 53 119 61 44 50 1,46
PLE/N 16 8000 70 120 25 73 146 63 48 64 2,3
PLE/N 22 15000 97 163 33 92 195 89 70 90 5,4
Centro de descarregamento
PLEN operation manual 2018_5CEB6E316A13 .pdf
PLEN ORIGINAL Betriebsanleitung 2018_C111317C423B .pdf
PLE_N_16_CDCDB8339B8D .stp
PLE_N_22_B5736695D6F7 .stp
PLE_N_8_EA84319B48E8 .stp
PLE_N_10_D1A226EC6FCC .stp
PLE_N_6_DDABC83F2106 .stp
PLE_N_13_45EB654E7F92 .stp

Tem alguma pergunta?

Os nossos especialistas terão todo o prazer em aconselhá-lo.