Code / Type | Číslo výrobku | Rozmery pneumatík | |
| 4085953 |
| |
| 4085955 |
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| 4085956 |
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| 4085957 |
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| 4085958 |
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| 4085959 |
| |
| 4085960 |
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| 4085961 |
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| 4085963 |
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| 4085965 |
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| 4085966 |
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| 4085967 |
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| 4085968 |
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| 4085969 |
| |
| 4085970 |
Informácie o výrobku "pewag omnimat ring 6"
Product Information
- Simple and fast mounting as no hooking/unhooking procedures are necessary
- Easy to assemble thanks to pre-formed spring steel bracket
- Ideal chain for vehicles with limited wheelhouse clearance, as well as twin wheels thanks to prefabricated hoop system
Additional wear elements : | False |
Agricultural forestry application: | 0 |
Chain mesh type: | diagonal-pattern |
Construction sites/earthmoving operations: | 0 |
Dimension: | 6 mm |
Mounting/demounting : | 80 |
Offroad/unpaved roads: | 0 |
Smooth running / driving comfort: | 60 |
Snow removal/winter service: | 0 |
chain size group: | KG_OMR6_109 |

6 mm

typ reťazovej siete

Ďalšie prvky opotrebenia
nie sú k dispozícii
0 %
Agricultural forestry application
0 %
Offroad/unpaved roads
0 %
Construction sites/earthmoving operations
0 %
Application for lumber hauling
0 %
Snow removal/winter service
Stiahnuť centrum
pewag omnimat ring 6
Cold fingers are given no chance in winter. The 6mm hoop chain comes already assembled and is therefore the right choice when things need to happen quickly in the winter.
Spotrebitelia si môžu objednať snehové reťaze priamo prostredníctvom nášho konfigurátora snehových reťazí.
Önorm V 5119