Code / Type | Číslo výrobku | Rozmery pneumatík | |
| 4041878 |
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| 4041932 |
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| 4041964 |
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| 4041972 |
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| 4042011 |
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| 4042013 |
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| 4042016 |
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| 4042042 |
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| 4042077 |
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| 4042098 |
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| 4042109 |
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| 4042210 |
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| 4042252 |
Informácie o výrobku "pewag servo sport"
Product Information
- pewag servo ratchet tensions the chain automatically – manual tensioning is not necessary
- Easy demounting thanks to self-opening inside lock
- Rim protection – no direct contact with the wheel rim thanks to innovative chain system
- Twisted chain on the inside allows use with minimum space (7mm)
- Innovative starwave® profile increases the surface area of the chain link by approximately 7%, ensuring perfect traction and extended product life
Additional wear elements : | False |
Assemblytype: | Classic |
Chain mesh type: | straight-pattern |
Dimension: | 3,1 mm |
Link height: | 7 mm |
Mounting/demounting : | 80 |
Offroad/unpaved roads: | 0 |
Retensioning: | automatically |
Smooth running / driving comfort: | 90 |
Suitable for driving on paved roads: | 80 |
Suitable for driving on unpaved roads: | 20 |
Traction: | 80 |
chain size group: | KG_RSS_75 |
chain usage group: | Passenger car standard All, Passenger car standard All but no space for snox, Passenger car standard not chainable, SUV Standard not chainable, SUV Standard special only 7 mm, SUV compact - Crossover small All, SUV compact - Crossover small All but no space for snox, SUV compact - Crossover small not chainable, Small car All, Small car All but no space for snox, Small car not chainable |
price level Seg. A: | 6 |

3,1 mm

7 mm
Objednávka reťazca


Integrovaná ochrana
80 %
80 %
90 %
Smooth running / driving comfort
80 %
Suitable for driving on paved roads
20 %
Suitable for driving on unpaved roads
0 %
Offroad/unpaved roads
Stiahnuť centrum
pewag servo sport
The smallest amount of free space used optimally.
Spotrebitelia si môžu objednať snehové reťaze priamo prostredníctvom nášho konfigurátora snehových reťazí.
Vyrobené v EÚ
a EN 16662-1
a EN 16662-1
Önorm V 5117